Friday, February 13, 2009

Behind The Scenes, Joining A Networking Association

As I walk into a room full of people I have not yet met, I notice the usual. Laughter being heard from those know as old familiar friends. The polite introduction and exchange of business cards occuring between strangers. The smile of the volunteers behind the registration table secretly hoping to recruit me as their newest member. One might ask me why I do it and I tell them what I really see at these events. I see connections rekindled or started for the first time. I see the solution to a problem one has struggled with for months being shared during a conversation providing a sense of relief and a bond that has so much potential. I see the energy and excitement people get from their new sense of belonging and acceptance. I see those who work hard all week have a chance to let their guard down and take in the new opportunities they have discovered.
There are many reasons to join a networking type of association besides the obvious of building one's business connections. Volunteering your time to help out on the board or committee of an association can provide the following benefits. It can enhance your ability to over come challenges; strengthen your creativeness; build your confidence and give people a chance to see you in action which enhances their trust in you as a professional.

I encourage you to step back the next time you are invited to a networking event and think about the value you will be passing up before you politely decline the invitation. Accepting the invitation just might give you the following:

  • the opportunity to learn from other professionals

  • exposure to new concepts and ideas outside your circle of influence

  • the chance to build relationships with those providing the resources you rely on for your business growth

What about the required annual dues to join one of these associations you ask? I see the annual dues required as an investment in your own personal growth individually and professionally. Most dues for Non-profit associations can also give you a tax deduction once you confirm it with your tax accountant. I invite you to take advantage of your next invitation to a networking event and see what opportunities are waiting for you there!

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